Whenever we gather for Communion, we acknowledge that the Table isn’t ours - it’s Jesus’ Table and it’s Jesus who invites us to break bread and drink from the cup in remembrance of him.

In that same spirit, we acknowledge that the land where we gather, worship, and pray isn’t ours - it’s the traditional territory of the Anishnabek, Haudenosaunee, Ojibway/Chippewa peoples.

As settlers on these lands, we acknowledge the violent and racist history between Indigenous peoples and settlers as well as the spiritual, physical, emotional, and sexual abuse perpetrated by Christian staff and clergy in Residential Schools. We acknowledge the ongoing discrimination, cultural erasure, and violation of treaty rights that Indigenous peoples still face today, and we acknowledge our own biases, prejudices, and racist attitudes that contribute to these injustices.

As Disciples of Christ, we commit to learning more about the Indigenous peoples of this land and we covenant to building more respectful, honouring, and loving relationships with them and this land. May it be so and may we be so loving.